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December 2023

December 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome…To December’s Business Companion News.  Payroll Deadlines Please email details of your December payroll to by Wednesday 20th December.  We will then return your payslips and reports to…Read More

Autumn Statement

Autumn Statement 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome… To our Autumn Statement 2023 newsletter designed to bring you tax tips and news to keep you one step ahead of the taxman. Please contact us…Read More

October 2023

October 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome…To October’s Business Companion News. Please note that all our articles are written with our clients in mind.  If you would like to find out more about our…Read More

September 2023

September 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome…To September’s Business Companion News. This month we are focussing on R&D Tax Credit claims. R&D tax credits is a government incentive for encouraging investment in research and…Read More

August 2023

August 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome…To August’s Business Companion News.   We’re doing a special this month on a variety of pension–related issues.  These easily cause confusion – so do call us if…Read More

July 2023

July 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome…To July’s Business Companion News. Payments On Account DueNote that any second self assessment Payments On Account for 2022/23 are due by 31st July. Paying Self Assessment Tax:HMRC Bank…Read More

June 2023

June 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome…To June’s Business Companion News.  Moving or Changing Business address?If you are moving business premises don’t forget to let HMRC and others know promptly. From our experience, inconsistent…Read More

May 2023

May 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome…To May’s Business Companion News. Use the correct HMRC Payment reference!Whichever tax you are paying, make sure you use the correct reference to make sure that your payment…Read More

April 2023

April 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome…To April’s Business Companion News. Voluntary NIC deadline extendedIn March we reminded you to check whether your national insurance contribution (NIC) record contains any gaps. The deadline for…Read More

Spring Budget

Spring Budget – 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome… To Spring Budget 2023, our newsletter designed to bring you tax tips and news to keep you one step ahead of the taxman. If you…Read More

March 2023

March 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome…To March’s Business Companion News. Free Business ReportsAs a registered user of our website you have access to our full range of resources. Have a look at the…Read More

February 2023

February 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome…To February’s Business Companion News. Making Tax Digital (MTD) HMRC have now signed up all remaining VAT registered businesses to Making Tax Digital. This includes many on VAT…Read More

January 2023

January 2023 If this E-Mail does not display or print correctly click here Home |  About Us |  Software |  Services |  Resources |  News |  Contact Welcome…To January’s Business Companion News, our newsletter designed to bring you tax tips and news to keep you one step ahead of the taxman. Struggling to pay your…Read More