MYOB Alternatives
Why move from MYOB?
There are relatively few options for MYOB users now and one of them is about to be shut off. This is because the available upgrades with Acclivity AccountEdge are shortly to become subscription only. This is the last year that Accountedge will be available as an outright purchase, and then only as a Canadian PC version. There is an advantage if you take this opportunity – the last version available on the old contract basis. You will have no further service charge payments and no further confirmation procedures or codes will be needed.
You will need to decide if you want to continue on MYOB, Acclivity or Accountedge. There are significant problems relying on a 32 Bit software that will not be rewritten. This means that the software will always have a restriction – it isn’t very fast when you use it multiuser.
Simple Accounting’s Review of Finance Software
Since 2009 Simple Accounting Ltd has maintained a permanent review of Accounting Software in the UK. We are always on the look-out for alternatives to MYOB, our previous favourite.
Our review criteria are objective and are mainly based on the points that were uniquely successful in MYOB. The ease of use of MYOB came from certain design features that are simply not reproduced in other software. These criteria are not the ones usually stressed by conventional software reviews. Our criteria are all about ease of use.
Top Recommended Software
To find out more about the history of MYOB finance software in the UK: